Our laboratory project experience has been gained in the pharmaceutical R&D, plastic molding, gene sequencing and University teaching space fields.
Cambridge van Leyden have experience in the design of Containment level 2 and 3 laboratories, where ventilation strategies for containment of pathogens and associated air filtration and fumigation systems are introduced alongside the conventional building services.
In each case, the laboratory spaces were created within existing building envelopes, requiring detailed surveys of existing services locations, significant diversions and stripout.
The highly serviced nature of laboratories required working closely with the Client and members of the design team to ensure sufficient plant space/service voids are incorporated in the building layout, architectural and structural designs.
See to the right for information on previous projects.
Scroll through the slides adjacent to each topic of which we offer expertise, for details of existing projects

The projects undertaken within the education sphere is diverse, ranging from general teaching space refurbishment, through to site infrastructure central plant replacement.
Further examples below. If you would like further information please do not hesitate to get in touch.
-Microscope laboratory process cooling
-Concrete technology laboratory
-Physics laboratory
-Library central cooling plant replacement
-Management School central cooling plant upgrade
-Surrey Space Centre laboratory upgrade
-Night Club ventilation
-LV infrastructure system replacement
-Teaching block lighting

Since 1992, Cambridge van Leyden have been actively involved in pharmaceutical facility design and Validation.
The range of projects includes ISO Class 4 and 5 standard cleanrooms, primary manufacturing, secondary manufacturing and pilot plants, clinical trials and stability testing facilities.
Since 2002, Cambridge van Leyden have also been appointed to develop, document, manage and implement controlled decommissioning, decontamination, demolition and divestment of surplus pharmaceutical facilities.

Offices have typically been an adjunct to all other laboratory and manufacturing facilities we have been involved with.
We have also been involved in the design of dedicated office space, most often being refurbishment of existing facilities, where existing systems fall short of user performance requirements and efficiency targets.

Leisure centres are a delight for the designer, with a diverse range of facilities and technical challenges.
The opportunity for energy recovery is high, owing to the warm environment of the pool hall, coupled with high domestic hot water demands from the associated showers and pool water make-up.
The aggressive, moist and warm environment of the pool hall will degrade the building fabric and services, unless fabric design is properly thought through to prevent condensation. It also takes its toll on the services unless materials and finishes are properly considered.
The pool hall environment must be carefully controlled, with good air movement to “wash” the fabric and discourage the formation of condensation and keep the customers comfortable. By an imbalance between supply and extract air flow rates, pool hall air is prevented from migrating to adjacent dry leisure areas.